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Did you know ...

Rhino Horn is made of keratin, it is exactly the same as your nails and hair - it has NO medicinal or magical properties!

So, if you want rhino horn - feel free to bite your nails!

Did you know that the White Rhino....

* has a wide square mouth, it is thought that it's name was mistranslated to white instead of wide

* is the second biggest land animal and can weight around 2 tons

* is the most common species of the remaining Rhino

* has 2 horns on its head that are made of keratin, exactly the same as our hair and nails

* the front horn is the largest horn averaging a length of 90cm but can get up to 150cm!

* has four stumpy feet each foot has three toes to help distribute its enormous weight

* colour ranges from yellowish brown to grey and is not white

* ears can move independently which helps it pick up more sensitive sounds

* depends mainly on its sense of smell

* has extremely poor eyesight

* makes their own sun block by wallowing in mud and letting it dry

* is a grazer who eats grass

* spends about half of the day eating, one third resting, and the rest of the day doing various other things

* can live up to 45 years old

* inhabits parts of Africa

* commonly seen in groups of about 10 to 15 individuals, in a well organized social structure

* at the top there is the territorial bull who will defend, patrol and mark the territory

The Black Rhino....

* is smaller than the white Rhino - weighing up to 1.4 tons

* more aggressive than the white Rhino

* run on their toes

* has a hooked lip

* eats leaves, thorny bushes, fruit and leafy plants

* can live up to five days without water

* solitary, expect when mating and when mother and calf is together

That Rhinos ...

* have lived on earth for 50 million years

* are quick and agile and can run 50 km/h

* maturity is reached at about 6 years of age

* one calf is born every three years

* gestation period is about 16 months

* Mother Rhinos are very nurturing and their young stay with them until they are about 3 years old

* horn is made of keratin and exactly the same as our nails and hair - it has no medicinal or magical properties

* are most closely related to horses (this is true but relates to their taxonomy - odd-toed ungulates ….)

* a group of Rhinos is called a "Crash"

Conservation Status

South Africa is home to about 80% of the world's Rhino population.

At the beginning of 2011, worldwide there were about 20 000 white Rhino and about 4800 black Rhino. South Africa had about 18 700 white Rhino and 1900 black Rhino.

The biggest threat to white and black Rhino is poaching for their horns, which some cultures believe has medicinal value. The horns are also used for dagger handles.

Over 400 Rhino were poached in 2011 alone.

The White Rhino is the only species of Rhino that is not critically endangered The Black Rhino is listed as Critically Endangered on the 2011 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and the White Rhino is listed as Near threatened.

How you can help

The Wilderness Foundation's Forever Wild Campaign is concerned with maintaining populations of free ranging Rhino within state and privately managed conservation areas.

The campaign supports conservation agencies and organized private game reserves to protect their Rhino populations as part of functioning natural ecosystems.

The campaign also aims to focus the attention of politicians and decision makers to encourage them to apply pressure both nationally and abroad to address the issue of illegal trade in Rhino horn and other wildlife products.