Did you know that the White Rhino....
* has a wide square mouth, it is thought that it's name was mistranslated to white instead of wide
* is the second biggest land animal and can weight around 2 tons
* is the most common species of the remaining Rhino
* has 2 horns on its head that are made of keratin, exactly the same as our hair and nails
* the front horn is the largest horn averaging a length of 90cm but can get up to 150cm!
* has four stumpy feet each foot has three toes to help distribute its enormous weight
* colour ranges from yellowish brown to grey and is not white
* ears can move independently which helps it pick up more sensitive sounds
* depends mainly on its sense of smell
* has extremely poor eyesight
* makes their own sun block by wallowing in mud and letting it dry
* is a grazer who eats grass
* spends about half of the day eating, one third resting, and the rest of the day doing various other things
* can live up to 45 years old
* inhabits parts of Africa
* commonly seen in groups of about 10 to 15 individuals, in a well organized social structure
* at the top there is the territorial bull who will defend, patrol and mark the territory